Collecting thoughts, giving them meaning and having fun while at it

Κατηγορία: Freedom of Speech

Γενόσημα φάρμακα: Τρικυμία εν κρανίω

Και εκεί που έχεις μόλις αναδημοσιεύσει ένα κείμενο που φαίνεται λογικό, έρχεται την αμέσως επόμενη μέρα, ο ίδιος ιστότοπος, να δικαιώσει αυτό που έχεις αναφέρει στην αναδημοσίευση· ότι, δηλαδή, η εποχή μας θα προσφέρει άφθονο υλικό στους ιστορικούς, οικονομικούς αναλυτές, κοινωνιολόγους και ψυχαναλυτές του μέλλοντος.

Πώς; Δημοσιεύοντας ένα άρθρο που θυμίζει συνομωσιολογίες πρώιμης εφηβικής ηλικίας. Παρακάτω το αναδημοσιεύω, ως τεκμήριο της σύγχυσης όσων ξεβολεύονται, μαζί με ορισμένα εμβόλιμα δικά μου σχόλια (και με διορθωμένη την αρχική ορθογραφία του κειμένου, που έβγαζε μάτι).

Συμπέρασμα: Να ενημερώνεστε διαβάζοντας τα πάντα, αλλά να μην πιστεύετε τίποτα εξ ορισμού! Χρησιμοποιήστε την Κοινή Λογική για φίλτρο!

Επί του θέματος, διαβάστε εδώ μια μικρή εισαγωγή για τα γενόσημα φάρμακα και στη συνέχεια, δείτε παρακάτω το αρχικό κείμενο και τις παρατηρήσεις μου:


10 + 2 Favourite Firefox addons: How does Chrome compare?

With reference to yesterday’s news that Chrome has caught up with Firefox and that they now hold roughly the same market share (both behind Microsoft’s Internet Explorer), I thought I would present the situation for exactly the same functionality, in Chrome, as the one described in my post on 10 + 2 favourite Firefox addons. You may find all the extensions mentioned here, at the Chrome Web Store.

  1. HTTPS Everywhere – encrypt the web! This plugin is the result of an initiative by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and it will always attempt to use a secure, encrypted connection to any web page you try to visit, so that third parties cannot eavesdrop (or make it harder for them to do so, anyway). This functionality does not yet exist in Chrome, as such. However, there’s the “HTTPS Enforcer” extension, which comes pretty close. Note from the developer:“Chrome doesn’t yet have the necessary API to make this plugin completely secure as Firefox plugin ( So, plugin doesn’t provide the full security benefits of Firefox HTTPS Everywhere, but I think it would a) provide a clear improvement in security to those who understand the risks, b) make it easy to provide the full security benefits as soon as the necessary APIs have landed. It may also increase the pressure to finish those APIs. By the way, needed APIs currently are experimental, so we can use it in stable version soon. Stay tuned.”
  2. Add to Search Bar. Chrome kicks butt in this department, as it automatically saves and imports the functionality of every search engine you use while you’re surfing. No need to install anything! Περισσότερα

My favourite 10 + 2 Firefox addons, for 2011…

I’ve tried almost all browsers available, and my favourites are Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. In this post I’ll list the Firefox addons that I consider indispensable, and which are the reason I stick with Firefox, most of the time!

  1. HTTPS Everywhere – encrypt the web! This is an initiative by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, to make the web a more secure communication medium. This plugin will always attempt to use a secure, encrypted connection to any web page you try to visit, so that third parties cannot eavesdrop (or make it harder for them to do so, anyway).
  2. Add to Search Bar. Very handy plugin, especially in combination with “Organize Search Engines“, of the same developer, as well as with InstantFox. In fact, I would consider “Add to Search Bar” and “Organize Search Engines” as one addon, made of two components. What it does, is that whenever you are on a page with a search box (e.g. an eshop, a dictionary, a forum, whatever), you can right click in the box and add the particular search functionality into your custom search engines. Περισσότερα

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