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Ετικέτα: Installation (computer programs)

Fine-tuning Linux Mint Debian 201012 64-bit

Updated, November 2011.

My LMDE desktop

My LMDE desktop

Although I thought I had come to terms with the fact that I wanted to use Ubuntu-based Mint, instead of Debian-based Mint, I finally could not resist the temptation of installing Linux Mint Debian 201012. One of the reasons was that a 64-bit version was available for the first time. Another reason was that I had used Mint 10 for over two months, I had finished polishing it, it was pretty stable and… I was getting itchy again!

In this post, I will focus on how I fine-tuned the installed system, in order to resemble Mint Main Edition, as much as possible.


Unlike the issues I encountered in my previous post, with the first incarnation of LMDE, this time the installation went pretty smooth; the installer had evolved quite a bit. However, I did not see an option to encrypt the home folder. Did I miss it? Maybe.

Update, Oct. 8, 2011: You should now download the latest (at this time) LMDE 201109


Linux Mint Debian v1.0 (LMDE 201009) is out!!!

Linux Mint Debian

(Update, Dec 29: Fine-tuning LMDE 201012 64-bit)

This article comes a few days after the original release of Linux Mint Debian edition, but the actual testing was made on the day it was released… 10 minutes after the iso image was posted online, actually. I happened to browse Linux Mint‘s blog just when the image was released.

Installing the image on a usb stick via unetbootin was pretty smooth! I booted right afterwards and then tried to install on a usb hard drive, so as to leave the computer I was using at that time intact. That was not particularly smooth…


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