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Ετικέτα: List of Ubuntu releases (Σελίδα 1 από 2)

What to do when the GETDEB repository is down

Logo Linux Mint

Logo Linux Mint (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If during an update in either Linux Mint or Ubuntu you get error messages from apt, about failing to fetch data from the GETDEB repository (which happens a lot, I’m afraid), here’s a brilliant solution I found at Use a mirror!

Here are the steps:

  1. Comment out your existing sources for GETDEB
  2. Add the following sources instead:

deb quantal-getdeb apps
deb-src quantal-getdeb apps

Replace “quantal” with your edition if necessary; also, you can add the games repo just by repeating the above two lines with “games” in the end instead of “apps”.

  1. Import the mirror’s security key:

sudo apt-key adv –recv-keys –keyserver A8A515F046D7E7CF

  1. Refresh your sources and you’re done:

sudo apt-get update

(Quick Tips) gdebi: “The package may be corrupted”

I recently fresh installed Linux Mint 12 (Lisa), which is based on Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric). I almost immediately bumped into a problem with gdebi, the graphical package installer. The message I received was:

"Could not open XXXX.deb.
The package might be corrupted or you are not allowed to open the file.
Check the permissions of the file."

After a lot of searching, I found this solution in linuxmint forums. Works like a charm:

[code]sudo apt-get install xz-lzma[/code]

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Linux Mint Debian is now usable by almost anyone!

Linux Mint

Image via Wikipedia

After I tried the December 2010 edition of Linux Mint Debian 64-bit, I had come to the conclusion that it was not for me, as it was, and that I would rather stick with the Main edition of Linux Mint, built on the current Ubuntu base distribution.

Two things made me change my mind and try it again: First, I tried Ubuntu 11.04 and I really did not like the new launcher! Second, I really could not put up with Mint’s Main Edition requirement, to have to back up and re-install from scratch with every new version…

So, I thought I should give LMDE 64-bit another try; and I’m glad I did!


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