Collecting thoughts, giving them meaning and having fun while at it

Ετικέτα: Technology (Σελίδα 2 από 3)

Must see film: “Food Inc.”

I recently watched a film that I believe everyone should see.. It’s called “Food Inc.” and it has to do with the US food industry, but my guess is that the rest of the “developed world” is no different…

Go see it, “you’ll never look at dinner the same way“… and that’s the truth!!


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A whole new world, beautiful, unexplored…

…was hidden inside a mathematic formula… the Mandelbrot set (named after the French-American mathematician Benoît B. Mandelbrot) that creates two dimensional fractals, has been expanded into a three dimensional world… Amazing graphics… wish it becomes easy to explore on a home pc!

Or, even better… I wish someone made a virtual-reality free-hand-navigation flight-simulator to travel down the fractal universe and explore those structures… !! Mmmmmm… nice!

Check out some pics from the same site (the formula behind these is on the second page):




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