Collecting thoughts, giving them meaning and having fun while at it

Ετικέτα: Dietary supplement

Vitamin D3 article ranks first with Google Search – Thanks!

I wrote an article on my blog about Vitamin D3, over two years ago; it was in Greek and it came at a time when most people had not even heard of this nutrient. The article became an instant hit, and it still ranks first with Greek Google Search for “βιταμίνη D3” (“vitamin D3“)!  Since then, it’s contents have been referenced or copied (mostly the latter), time and time again, in Greek blogosphere, Social Media, health websites and the Press.

Happy? You bet. But what I find even more fulfilling is that I’ve helped promote public awareness in Greece over this very important health issue.

Google Search: "βιταμίνη d3" / "vitamin d3"

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Drug Companies Eliminate Medical Herbs from Europe

If You Use Herbs and Supplements, You’ve Been Betrayed by Lawmakers. A HIGHLY URGENT Message…

In less than a year, virtually all medicinal herbs will be illegal in the European Union.

In their take-no-prisoners strategy to wipe out every penny of competition and gain complete control of the health of the people, Big Pharma and Agribusiness have scored a major win in Europe. Similar, potentially devastating battles are also underway in the U.S.

How can this be happening?


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