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HOWTO: WordPress permalinks in Greek or other non-Latin languages

If you’ve had problems with WordPress permalinks in Greek or any other non-Latin language, where text appears as “?????”, here’s the solution! Thank you “Doktoras”, you’re ELVIS!!!

It’s in Greek, however, so here’s a rough translation (replace “greek_general_ci” with your language):

First step: In cPanel, go to MySQL® Databases and then to phpMyAdmin, where you pick the Database your WordPress is using, and then Operations. Under Collation, pick greek_general_ci and Go. Close MySQL® Databases

Second step: Open wp-config.php and in the line “define(’DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf-8‘);” change utf-8 to greek_general_ci, then Save and you’re done.

Brilliant. Thanks again “Doktroras”!!

Stratos Laspas

11 Σχόλια

  1. samimiami

    Could you please let me know how I could accomplish this for “arabic”? I’ve tried your instructions but I can’t figure out where and what to pick for arabic to show up properly. Please help.


  2. musicman

    Hello there

    can you suggest me what shall i do for Russian language. i have tried koi8-r. but its not working. just puts ‘????’ everywhere.

  3. giorgio

    Hi stratos.4 me doesn’t work that collation “greek_general_ci”
    When i do copy the permalink it looks nice (as i wrote it) when i past it i t looks like that:
    Look something strange now,when when you follow the upper link you wiil be at my post,but if the link comes from a “page” (and not a post- article) then the link drives you in a 404 error page.

    • StratosJL

      Actually, you’re not doing anything wrong. It’s not your fault, it’s the way that the current internet protocols are implemented. Take a look at my post on “Your Own URL Shortener (YOURS)” for more info and for the difference between “appearing right on the address bar” and “copy-pasting the address link”.

      Don’t worry, the messed up looking address still works, it just looks ugly…

  4. Ηλίας

    Πολύ χρήσιμο το tip αλλά εγώ θα ήθελα να ρωτήσω κάτι άλλο.

    Γιατί δεν εμφανίζεται ολόκληρος ο τίτλος του Χ post στο url του blog μου;

    Δηλαδή αν ας πούμε έχω ένα Post με τίτλο “Καλημέρα τι κάνεις να είσαι πάντα καλά όπου και αν είσαι ότι και αν κάνεις”. Γιατί το url του έχει τη μορφήκαλημέρα-τι-κάνεις-να-είσαι-πάντα-καλά-όπ/

    Υπάρχει σχετικός περιορισμός και αν ναι πως μπορείς να τον αλλάξεις, με τους λατινικούς χαρακτήρες δεν έχω δει αντίστοιχο περιορισμό.


  5. andyefth

    Hi Stratos,

    First of all allow me to congratulate you on bringing up such a “delicate” issue for non-Eng-characters-blogs; as our Russian fellow points out in this post, this is not only an issue with Greek characters…

    I tried to follow your instructions as above, but for some reason the permalink in the source still remains with all these weird characters. I even tried it with new posts, but still did not work.

    Any idea why it does not work? I am using the latest version 3.3.1, with WordPress Seo by Yoast – if this could possibly play any role in your explanation (???)

    I would be grateful for your reply.

    Thanks in advance & congrats once again…


    • stratosjl

      @andyefth Hi there, thanks for the kind words.

      What exactly do you mean by “the permalink in the source”? What the trick above does, is that Greek characters appear in the browser’s address bar. However, if you try to copy-paste the text, it is converted to ASCII… That’s how the current multilingual implementation of the Internet is (not) implemented at the time…

      You may read more on this in another post of mine:

  6. Jim

    Στο δικό μου site το collation της db ήταν greek_general_ci. Στο wp-config το define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’)
    Όταν όρισα το: define(‘DB_COLLATE’, ‘greek_general_ci’) όλα παίζουν μια χαρά!
    Είσαι 1ος

    • Stratos Laspas

      Χαίρομαι που βρήκες χρήσιμο το άρθρο!

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