After almost 9 months of beating around the bush, I finally started experimenting with developing Android Apps. I’m using Linux Mint Debian (based on Debian Testing), so after some googling, I used this excellent guide over at
Setting Up An Android App Build Environment With Eclipse, Android SDK, PhoneGap (Debian Squeeze)
Of course, I used the latest available version of every software mentioned (binary packages, not .deb as they were somewhat outdated in Testing). The only things I changed during the process of setting up was to edit nss.cfg so that I would not get the “nss initialization” error message on my 64-bit system:
[code]sudo gedit /etc/java-6-openjdk/security/nss.cfg[/code]
and changed its content into the following (thanks to /usr/lib/ error on Debian Wheezy):
[code]name = NSS
nssLibraryDirectory = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
nssDbMode = noDb
attributes = compatibility[/code]
I left may main user as owner of /etc/eclipse and I made sure that I used the right java, by:
[code]sudo update-alternatives –config javac
sudo update-alternatives –config java[/code]
That’s all!
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