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Ετικέτα: China

Quantum teleportation achieved over 16 km

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Quantum teleportation achieved over 16 km.

( — Scientists in China have succeeded in teleporting information between photons further than ever before. They transported quantum information over a free space distance of 16 km (10 miles), much further than the few hundred meters previously achieved, which brings us closer to transmitting information over long distances without the need for a traditional signal.

Quantum teleportation is not the same as the teleportation most of us know from science fiction, where an object (or person) in one place is “beamed up” to another place where a perfect copy is replicated. In quantum teleportation two photons or ions (for example) are entangled in such a way that when the of one is changed the state of the other also changes, as if the two were still connected. This enables to be teleported if one of the photons/ions is sent some distance away.

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Scientists crack ‘entire genetic code’ of cancer

Caught it on Slashdot. From the original post at BBC:

Scientists around the globe are now working to catalogue all the genes that go wrong in many types of human cancer. The UK is looking at breast cancer, Japan at liver and India at mouth. China is studying stomach cancer, and the US is looking at cancers of the brain, ovary and pancreas.

…scientists from the 10 countries involved say it will take them at least five years and many hundreds of thousands of dollars to complete this mammoth task.


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