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Ετικέτα: Immune system

When the Body Says No: How Emotions Can Cause or Prevent Deadly Disease

Democracy Now! / By Amy Goodman and Gabor Mate

Physician Dr. Gabor Maté argues too many doctors seem to have forgotten what was once a commonplace assumption, that emotions are deeply implicated in both the development of illness, addictions and disorders, and in their healing.

January 2, 2011

Editor’s note: the following is an interview with Canadian physician and bestselling author Gabor Mate, on the relationship between emotions and the body.


Shot that stops many deadly forms of cancer may be ready in 5 years

From a article:

The vaccine, effective against deadly cancers in areas of the body like the breast, bowel and cervix, is being tested on some patients, according to the Daily Mail. The vaccine, which is being developed with Celldex Therapeutics, a U.S. company, revs up the immune system and tells it to destroy a hormone called hCG. That hormone, normally present only during pregnancy, is also made by about half of patients who have bladder and pancreatic cancer, and some people who have breast, bowel, ovarian and cervical tumors.
The shot shrinks the tumors and stops them from spreading.
“Not only are you causing the cancer to shrink, it is not metastazising,” Middlesex University Professor Ray Iles, creator of the vaccine, told the Daily Mail. “If you come in with chemotherapy and surgery, you’ve got a cure.”

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