Collecting thoughts, giving them meaning and having fun while at it

Ετικέτα: Tools

Make your blog super fast with W3 Total Cache plugin

I have recently installed the W3 Total Cache plugin, and it has made a tremendous difference. I have no specific metrics, but the feeling I have is as if it loads at least three times faster!! WOW!

What makes the biggest contribution is CDN (content delivery network), which I set up on a subdomain. It is not the easiest thing to do and it took a couple hours of tweaking to get it just right. I mostly followed the instructions found here:

I also got some hints from How To Install W3 Total Cache Tutorial – Setup Guide and How To Install W3 Total Cache 0.9 Setup Guide.

In order to make it work for me, I specifically did the following things slightly differently:


New WordPress major version and new theme!!

I installed the new v.3.0 of WordPress and in was IM-Pressed with the new default theme, “Twenty Ten“… (everyone got “2010”, right?)

The default font size (16px) appeared a bit too large at first, but after experimenting (in the theme editor, “style.css”, content font size)… I just went back to the default… very readable…

Very nice work, indeed! Love at first site, switched to it, right away!!

Some external links:

BTW, the theme uses Microsoft‘s Georgia font, which is simply gorgeous, but if you’re using Linux, where it does not come pre-installed by default, you may want to install the package ttf-mscore-fonts, so that you get to see what the designer really intended you to.

Funny story about these fonts, though! Microsoft released them to the public as the “core fonts for the Web” collection, during the first “browser wars” (i.e. Internet Explorer vs. Netscape Navigator), in an attempt to increase its market share. After they eliminated Netscape, Microsoft removed the fonts from their website. However, the original license said that anyone could freely redistribute these fonts, so there they are!

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