Collecting thoughts, giving them meaning and having fun while at it

Κατηγορία: Software (Σελίδα 1 από 3)

16+1 lessons I learned from my hacked blog

LGR Hacked

LGR Hacked

A few days ago, Stratos’ Sphere was hacked, or “defaced”. I’m guessing that’s what it was, because the attached image was what visitors would see, instead of my blog. This was quite ironic, actually, since I had just attended a security seminar (at work) where the “I’m safe because I’m small” attitude was found to be one of the most frequent reasons leading to hacked sites.

Here’s my account of what I had done wrong to end up with a hacked blog and what I did wrong while trying to recover, which may help others to avoid this situation or to make a faster and easier comeback.

To set the premise, let me point out that my blog is self-hosted and that I’m using a shared hosting service. I have my own domain name and I’m using cpanel in order to manage the hosted domain. So, what are the lessons I’ve learned?


What to do when the GETDEB repository is down

Logo Linux Mint

Logo Linux Mint (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If during an update in either Linux Mint or Ubuntu you get error messages from apt, about failing to fetch data from the GETDEB repository (which happens a lot, I’m afraid), here’s a brilliant solution I found at Use a mirror!

Here are the steps:

  1. Comment out your existing sources for GETDEB
  2. Add the following sources instead:

deb quantal-getdeb apps
deb-src quantal-getdeb apps

Replace “quantal” with your edition if necessary; also, you can add the games repo just by repeating the above two lines with “games” in the end instead of “apps”.

  1. Import the mirror’s security key:

sudo apt-key adv –recv-keys –keyserver A8A515F046D7E7CF

  1. Refresh your sources and you’re done:

sudo apt-get update

Samsung ad: Galaxy SIII vs iPhone 5

Very nice comparison! 😉  However, it is obvious to me that some (Apple fun-boys/girls) will continue to worship the iPhone for the iconic object that it is, regardless of the actual specs. Yes, the Galaxy SIII is a superior device, but it is not an iPhone…

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